Paul Nabor (born 1930) is a paranda musician from Punta Gorda, southern Belize. His music is included on the showcase album Paranda on Stonetree Records. On a 2004 visit to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, he was declared a distinguished guest of the city.
Nabor is a widely respected musical talent who has brought the soulful music of the garinagu (or garifuna) people to the rest of the world. Nabor still resides in Punta Gorda Town, Belize, and can be seen and heard playing his guitar and singing at local events along with his band of garifuna drummers.
Nabor appeared in the Watina album - the last masterpiece album by Andy Palacio.
Saturday, January 29 was Paul's birthday and also the first annual Punta Gorda day. the festivities carried on until about 3 in the A.M. Paul sang about three songs, he is terrific.